Course Descriptions
COM 235 (formerly COM 120) - Media Literacy
3 Credits
An introduction to the critical consumption of media that will focus on the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, act upon, and produce media messages, while developing effective communication and critical thinking skills. This course will investigate strategies in the creation of media messages, the power and influence of the media, and the influences on the audience when processing and acting on these messages.
Learning Attributes: UR, WR
New SUNY General Education: SUNY - Arts, SUNY - Critical Thinking and Reasoning Competency
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Identify the signs and symbols used as elements of a system of meaning in media messages.
2. Access media in a variety of forms.
3. Produce media in a variety of forms.
4. Explain various ways in which a message is tailored to an audience.
5. Analyze various ways in which audiences perceive messages.
6. Evaluate the viewpoints embedded in, or omitted from, media messages.
7. Evaluate the influence of media messages on society.
8. Explain how media messages are a form of rhetoric.
9. Develop well-reasoned arguments when analyzing media messages.
10. Identify or employ the various creative techniques as they occur in their own or others work.
Course Offered Fall, Spring
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Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025